Cancellation of Order

Customers can cancel an order at any time before it is confirmed, except for customized products that are made according to the customer's specifications, personalized items, or exclusively custom-made products.

1. Cash on Delivery Orders

These can be canceled at any time before "Order Confirmation." sit.

2. Unconfirmed

Unconfirmed Cash on Delivery Orders: If a Cash on Delivery order is not confirmed due to a lack of contact from the customer within 2 business days, it may be canceled.

3. Prepaid Orders

These can be canceled at any time before "Order Confirmation," and a full refund will be issued to the customer.

4. Post-Dispatch Cancellations

If a prepaid order is canceled after the item has been dispatched, delivery charges will apply.

Damaged, Missing, Defective, or Malfunctioning Product Policy:

If you receive damaged, missing, defective, or malfunctioning items, please report the issue immediately and no later than 5 business days after delivery.

1. Damaged Products

We take great care in packaging items to prevent damage during shipping. Please inspect your package carefully upon arrival. If you notice any damage to the item during transit, do not accept the delivery and contact us right away.

2. Missing Products

Orders may sometimes be shipped in multiple packages. If you find any items missing from your order, please notify us immediately so we can track the shipment and, if necessary, send a replacement.

3. Defective or Malfunctioning Products

If any item is defective or not functioning properly, please contact us immediately so we can arrange for a replacement.